Schedule & Break-up Rules

Discover more about the Schedule & Break-up settings of your cadence.

When building your cadence, you would have come across the Schedule and Break-up Rules. So let’s understand these options in more detail.

Schedule cadence

You can schedule your cadence with two options - Any day, Any time or Specific Day & Time.

  • Any day, Any time - The cadence will start on any day of the week at any time.

  • Specific Day & Time - If you want the cadence to run on any specific day, time, or time zone, you can select the same from here.

Cadence Break-Up Rule

The cadence break-up rule instructs to stop sending the next step if any one of the selected actions takes place. 

  • Email Replied - Contact replies to the email

  • Email Opened - Contact opens the email

  • Email Errored - Due to some error if the email is not sent

  • Activity Completed - If an activity is marked complete

  • SMS Delivered - SMS once delivered to the recipient

  • SMS Undelivered - SMS is undelivered due to an error

  • WhatsApp Delivered - WhatsApp once delivered to the recipient

  • WhatsApp Read - WhatsApp once read by the recipient

  • WhatsApp Failed - WhatsApp is undelivered due to an error