To contact support, click the Help & Support option located at the bottom of your sidebar.
On the popup that opens, you can report an issue, request a feature, or directly send us a message.
Report an issue
In the report an issue option, you can describe your problem in text and also use the Mark the bug or Record screen options to attach an image or send a video of your screen highlighting the issue.
Request a feature
In the request a feature option, you can tell us what new functionality you want us to add to the Ziixflow platform, and we might add it to our Roadmap.
Send us a message
On the send us a message screen, you can describe your problem to our conversational, AI-powered chatbot. Once you provide all the information, we will reach out to you shortly.
Apart from these options, there are also Messages, News, and Roadmap features in our support section.
Messages - Here, you can view all of your past messages.
News - The news section will contain information about new updates or features we are including in Zixflow.
Roadmap - The Roadmap option lets you see which features are currently in our pipeline, and you can vote on your favorite ones. This will tell us that more users are looking forward to a specific feature, resulting in quick implementation.