FAQs regarding WhatsApp Business Verification

Here are some common questions & answers about setting up WhatsApp

You might have some questions when setting up the WhatsApp for the first time. So, here are some common questions and issues that WhatsApp users often inquire about to make the setup process easy:

Replace WATI with Zixflow

Facebook Business Verification is no more mandatory to get Zixflow Access to engage with your customers on WhatsApp.

Without Facebook Verification -

  • You can have WATI access for unlimited time

  • Reply to unlimited user-initiated messages

  • Send up to 250 business-initiated messages per 24 hours

Also, if you don't like WATI, you can switch back your number to WhatsApp Business app seamlessly.

Why has my account not been approved for business verification?
You might wonder why your WhatsApp account has not been approved, and this can be due to various issues, such as an invalid privacy policy or a discrepancy in the account name. 

How long does it take for my account to get verified?

It takes anywhere from an hour to 72 hours to get your account verified and ready to use. The time majorly depends on how quickly Meta approves it.

How do I change my Business Profile Name or Display Name?

Navigate to Business Manager and select your business. Access WhatsApp Manager, choose the relevant account, and go to Phone numbers in the left menu. Now, hover over your current display name, click the pencil icon, input a new display name in the Edit Display Name section, and finally, click Next to save the changes.

What if I don’t have a Privacy Policy Page on my website?

You might often come up with this question if you are not into e-commerce. However, having a Privacy Policy Page is mandatory for the verification of your WhatsApp.

What documents are required for Business Verification?

Meta accepts various documents to verify your account. However, ensure these documents are valid and issued by appropriate government authorities. The documents include:

  • Certificate/Articles of Incorporation

  • Business registration or license document

  • Government-issued business tax document

  • Business bank statement

  • Utility bill

To know more about the official documents required for verifying your account, you can check out Meta’s account verification article

What if my business is not registered under GST?

You do not need a GST registration to create your Meta Business Account. You can use any of the above-mentioned documents to register and verify your business.

How do I view replies coming to my WhatsApp campaigns?

You can view and respond to all the incoming WhatsApp messages from the Inbox section. 

What are the costs associated with using the WhatsApp?

Inquiries about pricing, costs, and billing are common, as you might want to understand the financial aspects of using the WhatsApp. Meta uses a conversation-based pricing model click the below to know more.

What is Conversation Based Pricing?

A quick walkthrough on how the pricing works in WhatsApp

What should I do if my business information, like Location or Phone Number changes?

You need to update your business information in your Meta Business Account to keep using WhatsApp without any disruptions.

How can I address technical issues or report errors?

When encountering technical problems or errors, you can reach out to Meta’s support. You can either send an email to smb_web@support.whatsapp.com or reach out directly to its support team by logging into your Facebook Business Account and using this link https://business.facebook.com/direct-support/ 

It's important to note that the exact questions and issues may vary based on individual circumstances and the evolving features or policies of WhatsApp. Customer support and official WhatsApp resources are valuable for addressing these inquiries effectively.

What documents are required for Business Verification in Facebook?

If your business is not listed when you attempt to verify it, Facebook may ask you to upload official documents to prove that your business has been registered. These documents must show the legal name of your business and your business's official postal address or phone number. You may also be asked to provide proof of website domain ownership if you choose to receive a verification code at your email address.

After you've uploaded the documents, Facebook team will review them. This may take several days. You can check the current status of your verification by going to your Security Centre.

The below shows what documents you can submit for business verification processing for your country of residence.

Verification Documents Required for Different Countries


  • Business bank statement

  • Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Juridica (CNPJ)

  • Certificado da Condicao de Microempreendedor Individual (MEI)

  • Contrato Social

  • Utility bill


  • 公司註冊證書

  • 商業登記摘錄

  • 商業登記證

  • 营业执照

  • 銀行帳單


  • Αντίγραφο κίνησης λογαριασμού / Hesap özeti

  • Εγγραφή στο μητρώο Φ.Π.Α.

  • Καταστατικό / Şirket ana sözleşmesi

  • Μητρώο Επιχειρηματικών Οντοτήτων

  • Συστατική Πράξη Εταιρείας / Şirket Kuruluş Onay Belgesi


  • Avis de situation au repertoire Sirene

  • Extrai d'immatriculation D1

  • Extrait K, L, Kbis ou Lbis

  • Facture d'électricité, de gaz ou d'eau

  • Lettre de confirmation de numéro SIREN délivrée par l'Urssaf

  • Statuts de l'enterprise

  • VAT registration


  • Business bank statement

  • Business licence

  • Certificate of incorporation

  • Goods and services tax registration certificate (GST)

  • Permanent account number card (PAN)

  • Shop establishment certificate

  • Udyog Aadar (UID)

  • Utility bill


  • Business bank statement

  • Izin Usaha Mikro Kecil (IUMK)

  • Nomar Induk Berusaha (NIB))

  • Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP)

  • Surat Pengukuhan Pengusaha Kena Pajak (SPPKP

  • Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (TDP

  • Utility bill


  • An Oifig um Chlárú Cuideachtaí

  • Business bank statement

  • Business tax certificate

  • Certificate of business incorporation

  • Certificate of registration

  • Utility bill


  • Atto Costitutivo

  • Certificato di Registrazione Aziendale

  • Registro Imprese dell'archivio ufficiale della CCIAA

  • Statuto

  • Business bank statement

  • Certificate of formation

  • Utility bill

  • Value-added tax certificate (VAT)


  • 個人事業の開業, 廃業等の届出書

  • 営業許可

  • 定款

  • 履歴事項全部証明書

  • 法人番号指定通知書

  • 納税証明書

  • Business bank statement

  • Utility bill

South Korea

  • 사업자등록증

  • 요금납부 내역서

  • 지방세 납세 증명서

  • 지방세 납세 증명서


  • 台中市政府函

  • 有限公司设立登记表


  • Certificate of formation

  • رخصة تجارية

  • شهادة تسجيل لضريبة القيمة المضافة

  • فاتورة اتصالات

  • فاتورة الكهرباء

  • كشف حساب بنك


  • Виписка з єдиного державного реєстру юридичних осіб , фізичних осіб-підприємців та громадьских формувань

  • Виписка з єдиного державного реєстру юридичних осіб та фізичних осіб-підприємців

  • Витяг з реєстру платників єдиного податку

  • Свідоцтво платника єдиного податку

United Kingdom

  • Business bank statement

  • Certificate of incorporation

  • Certificate of public liability insurance

  • Companies House document

  • Company registration number (CRN)

  • HM Revenue and Customs: VAT certificate

  • HM Revenue and Customs: Account statement

  • Utility bill

United States

  • Articles of incorporation

  • Business bank statement

  • Business licence

  • Employer identification number (EIN)

  • IRS SS-4 (EIN assignment letter)

  • IRS 147c (EIN confirmation letter)

  • Taxpayer identification number